Looking for a lifestyle change? Have you suffered a sudden change in your health status? (Re)start here
The health of body and mind go hand in hand with the choices we make on a daily basis. Our Clinical Nutrition team reinforces the importance of targeting the causes of the disease and encourages our patients to actively seek a balanced diet adjusted to their needs.
Like everything important in life, achieving healthy and lasting weight loss requires some dedication.
It is normal that during some stage of your life you plan to lose weight. Whether after a pregnancy, after obtaining less satisfactory results from routine tests or simply seeing the numbers on your scale rising.
Which diet will best suit your needs? paleo, keto, low carb, sem gluten, jejum intermitente, etc.).
Which one is THE BEST?
In fact, they can all be adjusted, but the 5 steps we describe in this article are undoubtedly something that you should always take into account in your lifestyle.
Gluten Intolerance
One of the diseases directly worsened by eating foods containing gluten is celiac disease (CD), although there are others.
Diagnosis of CD requires duodenal biopsy while the patient is on a gluten-containing diet and, in most adults, blood tests. A gluten-free diet has been considered the only effective treatment for CD.
Adherence to this regimen has been shown to result in partial or complete healing of the duodenal mucosa, along with symptomatic resolution and signs of malabsorption.
It is natural that celiac patients, or parents, in the case of children, may feel somewhat lost with the restrictions at an early stage. But it is something that can be overcome. Our Clinical Nutrition specialty will help you feel more confident in controlling your symptoms and exposure to gluten.
In the meantime, know which foods you should avoid and which foods you can eat with "confidence".
The Power of Food
What do they both have in common? Both are strongly associated with bad lifestyle habits, which naturally include eating habits. Symptoms such as abdominal bloating, fullness, burning in the stomach, nausea, diarrhea and headaches are, in many cases, the result of routines of eating high-calorie meals that are difficult to digest.
There are other signs that you may have an unbalanced diet, which include hair changes, aging skin, bad breath, lack of clarity or mental fatigue, lack of energy or simply getting sick easily.
There are pharmacological responses or supplements for the specific relief of these symptoms, we cannot forget their origin and how much more effective it would be to simply correct our eating habits.
Schedule your Nutrition Consultation... Address the issue at its roots
Looking for a lifestyle change? Have you suffered a sudden change in your health status? Learn more with our tips.
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